Christopher Robin

Christopher Robin: I've cracked. Winnie The Pooh: Oh, I don't see any cracks. A few wrinkles, maybe. 2018 has definitely added some wrinkles for me. Anyone who knows me well knows relating my life to a Disney movie would be what I would do. A week ago today, it was my 44th birthday. It was the last Sunday before my oldest son left for college. It was the last Sunday I would see my Dad having normal, effortless conversations, the best he could in his state of health. It was the day I saw a Disney movie I had greatly anticipated since Ashley showed me the movie trailer months ago. And that movie was the movie that best fit last week. Our Sunday began at church followed by a visit to Rolling Hills to see my mom on my birthday. Fortunately, Keith and Linda had taken Dad out to see Mom so they were all there too. It's always nicer to have more people together so I really was glad to have my parents at the same place on my birthday. They haven't seen each other much si...